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REALLY good info spot – zookey



Posts: 1902
From: Great Falls, Montana, USA
Registered: 04-28-2002
Had the magazines from this site for nearly a year and didn't even think to post it....

I emailed them asking about that new Discovery Channel special and what they thought, and they repleid that they just put up a new page on it...

really good info--it all bolsters faith with logic and shows how they actually work together rather than against each other--if you want to buy the magazines I would highly reccomend it--worth their weight in gold



Posts: 1905
Registered: 01-26-2005
That Magazine is really good! I read Body Count and the one about the tomb and it really explains Christianity in logical manner and dubunks the secular accusations against Christ.

[This message has been edited by LAVA (edited February 27, 2007).]



Posts: 1059
Registered: 06-30-2004
Plenty of good information there! I'm thinking of looking at a few more pages about that and making a counter on my blog. Heh, I gotta write something that'll get me noticed.. even if the uber-liberals hate me for it!

[update]Tomb of Jesus in Jerusalem? Sure!
I have a feeling my blog stats are gonna take a big leap pretty soon [/update]
A n00b is an annoying person who enjoys being destructive.
A newbie is a person who is new to something, and possibly enjoys being creative.

[This message has been edited by Goop2 (edited February 27, 2007).]


Posts: 1905
Registered: 01-26-2005
Goop2, if you want even more exposure, put the link to your blog in your sig on the forums you go on.


Posts: 1059
Registered: 06-30-2004
Well this is the only forum I go on, and I just made the blog last week, so with 36 views I'm not too worried about it

Blog Stats
Total Views: 36
Best Day Ever: 22
Views today: 2

Posts: 3
Comments: 0
Tags: 8

A n00b is an annoying person who enjoys being destructive.
A newbie is a person who is new to something, and possibly enjoys being creative.

[This message has been edited by Goop2 (edited February 27, 2007).]



Posts: 1902
From: Great Falls, Montana, USA
Registered: 04-28-2002
Yeah I love those 2 magazines----they are AWESOME (I highly reccomend buying them--they have more articles that are thought provoking)

cool on your blog dude--with the I am Sam thing--is that a reference to the son of sam killer or something? I could have sworn that was his calling card but I could be wrong---I only saw part of a movie on it and changed the channel when I realized the movie wasn't all that great---but either way cool blog!

I think it is sad and frustrating that everyone likes to claim we are in a new age of understanding and science and the 'facts' used are scewed and they are only willing to look at facts for their side, not the whole picture.




Posts: 1668
From: USA
Registered: 06-06-2006
Originally posted by Goop2:
Well this is the only forum I go on, and I just made the blog last week, so with 36 views I'm not too worried about it

What? You've got a user account on Soterion and on CCGR!

True, zookey - and it's funny how intolerant the "tolerance" people can be.



Posts: 1059
Registered: 06-30-2004
Actually the 'I Am Sam' thing was more to do with 'Green Eggs and Ham.' I took 'Sam I Am' and reversed it. It used to be my favorite book, and happens to be my middle name

People don't just look at facts for them, but they also take the ones against them and try to twist them to prove themselves. Personally I often take neutral facts and twist them to my sarcastic pleasure

A n00b is an annoying person who enjoys being destructive.
A newbie is a person who is new to something, and possibly enjoys being creative.



Posts: 1902
From: Great Falls, Montana, USA
Registered: 04-28-2002
true true, although I have run into people who will look at only the facts that agree with them and anything else is 'junk science' or whatever
