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Christian Demogroup – klumsy



Posts: 1061
From: Port Angeles, WA, USA
Registered: 10-25-2001
Hi, I am a professional programmer in the bussiness arena, (3 years) and a games programmer professional (1 year before that) and a graphics/games/demo programmer for many many years before that...
well i've been part of the demoscene and i've felt God convict me to leave my secular group and start a group dedicated to 1) God's will being done in the lives on the members in all areas of life 2) producing Demos/computer generated art music/screensavers/games for evangelising purposes (sowing and reaping)
3) the same for the purpose of edifying other christians.

anyway i'd like to hear your ideas on this
the name of the group would be GODCENTRIC

Karl Prosser
Klumsy / Surprise ! Productions.
ME / Redeemed by the Living God :)
May God Bless you, he sure does me.



Posts: 502
From: MD, USA
Registered: 03-05-2001

Welcome to the CCN. Not sure if you're interested in working with already established teams but there are a few on the boards here that may be interested in adding an experienced developer.

Anyways, thanks for stopping by and I wish you luck with your endeavors!




Posts: 39
Registered: 01-20-2001
Sweet, Maybe you could write some articles, and will you please post your testimony.


Posts: 1061
From: Port Angeles, WA, USA
Registered: 10-25-2001
tell me of these teams?
thanks for the welcome
and yep i'll get a testimony cranked out...
God Bless all

Karl Prosser
Klumsy / Surprise ! Productions.
ME / Redeemed by the Living God :)
May God Bless you, he sure does me.



Posts: 284
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Registered: 02-10-2001
Wow this is sooo cool!

I came to America about 3 months ago and found myself at a Vineyard church. Suffice to say my outlook on life has changed completely since and I have been trying to find a way to use my programming skills for God. I have been an inactive scener for years and had considered started a christian demo group but couldn't find anyone interested in both communitites.

I started writing a DX8 demo framework recently but ran into some problems

If you can find a use for me then I am very interested! I have experience with DX, OGL, C++, JAVA and web stuff.

GODCENTRIC is such a cool name!




Posts: 1061
From: Port Angeles, WA, USA
Registered: 10-25-2001
good to hear from you..
i would be interested indeed!, where are you from orginally and what group etc etc (not that that matters so much as Christ, but i am curious)
i am doing dx8 stuff with hardware acelleartion but only basic hardware techniques, more just using the graphics card to extend a lot of software MMX effect code and etc..
where in the US for this vineyard church?
when i was in the states last i went to a vineyard cell group in Port Angeles , Washington..
i do my stuff in delphi (mostly for my dislike for MSVC++ ) but thats the least of our worries, lets chat on ICQ or something sometime soon and see how we feel about proceding, after a healthy dose of prayer

Karl.. my icq # is 757676

Karl Prosser
Klumsy / Surprise ! Productions.
ME / Redeemed by the Living God :)
May God Bless you, he sure does me.



Posts: 284
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Registered: 02-10-2001
Alas I have never been a member of any demogoup. I have only what programming skills I have been able to teach myself in the last 3 years. Incidently I do all my stuff in MSVC++ 6 - I've found the compiler pretty hard to beat

I have been going Coast Vineyard in La Jolla, San Diego, CA. I cannot begin to describe how much this Church has changed me. The prospect of being able to simultaneously code cool gfx and give praise to God blows my mind!

My fist idea was to do a demo for a Psalm. I was going to do Psalm 23 because I have been a little dismayed lately at the continual occurence of the line "Yea tho I walk through..." without the all important "For thou art with me. Thy rod and thry staff they comfort me"

Got ICQ installed again - maybe Krylar could setup ICQ Status Indicators Hope to see you online sometime!



Junior Member

Posts: 7
From: Amarillo, TX USA
Registered: 11-11-2001
Hello Rowan and Klumsy,

I am also a professional programmer in the business sector. I did some game oriented programming in college where I wrote a 2D ISO tiling engine with A* pathfinding using DirectX 6. I have a BS in computer science.

Rowan, I'm glad to hear you are attending a Vineyard church. I don't know how familiar you are with it's beginnings, but one of the associate pastors of my church was a major player in the Vineyard movement... his name is Jack Deere. It was very exciting when he joined our ministry team.




Posts: 284
From: Belfast, Northern Ireland
Registered: 02-10-2001
Hey InTheLight!

I don't know much about the Vineyard Church as I have only been going for 4 months, and I don't have much to compare it to - but I do know it's a great Church .

You wanna join the group? Check out though there isn't much to see as the adventure has just begun


[This message has been edited by rowanseymour (edited November 12, 2001).]