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Dog update – zookey



Posts: 1902
From: Great Falls, Montana, USA
Registered: 04-28-2002

Yay! Dog's charges have been dropped! The Mexican gov's prosecutor is appealing but that seems to be standard fare so Dog and his family FINALLY got the reprieve they deserve!




Posts: 3450
From: SV, CA, USA
Registered: 01-29-2002
yup. I saw that. immediately thought you, too, Zookey.
good to hear, tho.

That is pretty strange about the Mexican government. They get really annoyed when Americans step on their soil (think they start taking action when firefighters crossed over a little bit to put out fire that was spreading...a bit childish?), but will practically encourage Mexicans to illegally emigrate to the States.
*sigh* their government is hurting their country.

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Soterion Studios



Posts: 1902
From: Great Falls, Montana, USA
Registered: 04-28-2002
Originally posted by ArchAngel:
yup. I saw that. immediately thought you, too, Zookey.
good to hear, tho.

That is pretty strange about the Mexican government. They get really annoyed when Americans step on their soil (think they start taking action when firefighters crossed over a little bit to put out fire that was spreading...a bit childish?), but will practically encourage Mexicans to illegally emigrate to the States.
*sigh* their government is hurting their country.

Naw man---they allow American FUGITIVES to cross without BS-----that is why Dog went down there---so what is my take? We should let all the Mexicans who want to be Americans in (because hey, that is how we all got here) then seal the border---then, when someone is convicted of a crime send them to Mexico---LOL I am kinda joking on that but seriously, if they want to protect American criminals from our courts why not work with it and just ship the surplus population from our prisons over the border? Within 2-3 years they woudl be apologizing and wanting to fix it---it is sad that they want the benefits of us going down there for tourism, and the benefit of being able to be an ally to us--but they want to be able to make it so victims here in the US get screwed if the offender successfully crosses the border.
