General Discussions

lwjgl -- what do you think? – celticmatrix


Junior Member

Posts: 6
From: Germany
Registered: 09-14-2002
Hi folks,

Check this out:

A lean, lightweight game API for java. Not as heavyweight as jogl... and seems to be very fast.

The big advantage here is that you can finally combine the advantages of Java (API, class model, garb collector, portability, all-round programmer friendliness) w/ the speed of native OpenGL. One could write the non speed-critical program logic parts in Java, the display stuff in OpenGL wrapped in classes and the speed-critical parts (should there be need for that) in C++ and linked (should be possible, huh?)... just some random musing :-)

But if no one here is partial for Java.... at least I am excited that there is movement in the Java department. Even for games which comes a bit unexpected.

ru and God Bless, celticmatrix



Posts: 926
From: MN
Registered: 02-19-2001
Cool. I've been doing stuff with Java, and any advances in 3D development are nice, seeing that 3D in Java has been a pretty bumpy road.

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