Game Design Music and Art

Anyone use Realm Crafter – manic_gamer



Posts: 30
From: Portland Maine USA
Registered: 09-01-2006
Hi, Im just wondering if anyone is or has used Realm Crafter and can tell me what there experience with it is.
I have the demo and it seems pritty lacking. but it is just a demo. Like there only a couple pre made models and stuff.
One thing I realy want to know is that it says you need no programing experience needed. is that true or isnt it.
Anyway thanks for your time in advance.

1 Corinthians 15:58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (NLT)



Posts: 490
From: So.Cal.
Registered: 09-05-2006
What I know of RC, no you don’t need to know how to code, BUT you would be far better off knowing how to code in BlitzBasic at some level of competence. You will also need to learn their scripting language which is not considered “code” but is to some extent. As for models, I think their site shows screenshots of some of the models that come with their package, it looks like a few more models than a couple of whatever they provide with the demo. You would be better off tossing those models and learning how to make that stuff yourself though, or find someone that can model, texture and animate. If you get it, I’m interested in knowing what you think of it, you can pm me or post your impression in a thread.


Posts: 30
From: Portland Maine USA
Registered: 09-01-2006
I might get it. Im trying to learn to code in C++. I already know how to make 3d models, However im not as good as most artists I see floating around in design forums. But yeah if I get it I will tell you what I think
What im hoping for mostly is the ability to create NPC's and to do my own quests.

1 Corinthians 15:58 So, my dear brothers and sisters, be strong and steady, always enthusiastic about the Lord’s work, for you know that nothing you do for the Lord is ever useless. (NLT)



Posts: 490
From: So.Cal.
Registered: 09-05-2006
It doesn’t use any C++ but BlitzBasic has some similarities to it. If you are uncertain what BlitzBasic is, this is a really good short article
As for quests, yes that would be done through the scripting language. Here, I’ll look for an example…

function Main()

Player = Actor()
PlayerName = Name(Player)
Target = ContextActor()
TargetName = Name(Target)
QuestName = "Find lost bible"
QuestResults = QuestStatus(Player, QuestName)
QuestReturn = "Return to " $+ TargetName $+ " to complete this quest."

// Objective Variables for Quest completion
WaitSpeakName = "Mary"
WaitSpeakID = FindActor(WaitSpeakName, 2)

// Variables for Rewards
RewardMoney = 1000
RewardXp = 50
RewardItem = "Book marker"
RewardItemQuantity = 1
RewardFaction = "Godly"
RewardFactionValue = 10

QuestStatusText = "Recover John" $+ CHR(39) $+ "s lost bible"
D = OpenDialog(Player, Target, TargetName)
// Player Greeting to NPC:
DialogOutput(Player, D, "Hail " $+ TargetName $+ "", 255, 255, 255)
DoEvents (1000)

// NPC Greeting to Player:
DialogOutput(Player, D, "Hail " $+ PlayerName $+ "", 255, 255, 255)
DoEvents (1000)

If (QuestResults $= "")
// The quest needs to be started

DialogOutput(Player, D, "Will you please find my bible ?", 255, 255, 255)
Result = DialogInput(Player, D, "Accept Quest", "Refuse Quest")

If (Result == 1)

// Create the new quest

NewQuest(Player, QuestName, QuestStatusText, 255, 255, 255)
QuestTemp = QuestName $+ ": " $+ QuestStatusText
Output(Player, QuestTemp, 255, 255, 255)
CloseDialog(Player, D)
// Wait to speak to NPC
WaitSpeak(Player, WaitSpeakID)
UpdateQuest(Player, QuestName, QuestReturn, 255, 255, 255)
QuestTemp = QuestName $+ ": " $+ QuestReturn
Output(Player, QuestTemp, 255, 255, 255)


CloseDialog(Player, D)

ElseIf (QuestResults $= QuestReturn)
// The quest has been almost completed, assign rewards

DialogOutput(Player, D, "You have completed " $+ QuestName $+ "" $+ CHR(44) $+ " great job !", 255, 255, 255)
DialogResult = DialogInput(Player, D, "Goodbye")

CompleteQuest(Player, QuestName)
// Item reward for Step/Quest
GiveItem(Player, RewardItem, RewardItemQuantity)

// XP reward for Step/Quest
GiveXp(Player, RewardXp)

// Money reward for Step/Quest
ChangeGold(Player, RewardMoney)

// Faction change
ChangeFactionRating(Player, RewardFaction, RewardFactionValue)

Output(Player, "You take " $+ RewardItemQuantity $+ " " $+ RewardItem $+ " and " $+ RewardMoney $+ "gp and " $+ RewardXp $+ "xp you have earnt it!")
CloseDialog(Player, D)

ElseIf (QuestComplete(Player, QuestName) == 1)
// The quest has been completed

DialogOutput(Player, D, "Thanks for helping me out with " $+ QuestName $+ "" $+ CHR(44) $+ " I have no other quests for you at this time ... good day !", 255, 255, 255)
DoEvents (1000)

CloseDialog(Player, D)
// The quest has been started but not completed

DialogOutput(Player, D, "You have not yet completed the " $+ QuestName $+ " quest for me!", 255, 255, 255)
DialogOutput(Player, D, "You will need to begin your last task again" $+ CHR(44) $+ " " $+ QuestStatusText, 255, 255, 255)
DialogResult = DialogInput(Player, D, "Goodbye")

CloseDialog(Player, D)



End Function

[This message has been edited by Faith_Warrior (edited September 08, 2006).]



Posts: 2220
From: New Albany, Indiana, U.S.
Registered: 10-08-2004
you should use the code tag...

#include <spazz.h>
int name()
char name['B','u','d','d','B','o''y']
MMMM... I love pi!!



Posts: 490
From: So.Cal.
Registered: 09-05-2006
Originally posted by buddboy:
you should use the code tag...

I did, but it broke the browser window due to no word wrap for some reason. Looks the same w/o.