Game Design Music and Art

Food-force clone – vincent



Posts: 129
From: Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Registered: 12-23-2002
Have you seen this UN game: . Its a non violent 'feed the hungry' game, and people seem to dig it. I was thinking, you could make a simular kind of game for missions. Starting a Christian aid organisation, distributing food, building school, hospitals and churches.. Something like a mix between sim-city and desert-strike (without the violence).

in the game you'll have to:
- build/buy an infrastructure (buildings, ships, plains, trucks)
- build structures to help a community
- get funds
- get staff (doctors, administration, missionairies)
- setup supply chains
- coordinate aid to disaster locations
- cooperate with other aid giving organisations

As I see it, you'll get the globe first, and you'll have to choose what kind of organisation you want to be (doesn't need to be explicity, but you can't do it all). You'll get a start budget and there will be serveral things you can do. You'll also get updates on what is going on in the world etc... its quite massive.

Anyway.... maybe the next community project?

[This message has been edited by vincent (edited February 16, 2006).]



Posts: 210
From: USA
Registered: 08-04-2005
I like the idea, I think it'd make a great next community project!

My goal in life?
To become like the virtuous woman of Proverbs 31.

Proverbs 22:1
A good name is to be chosen rather than great riches,
Loving favor rather than silver and gold.



Posts: 3450
From: SV, CA, USA
Registered: 01-29-2002
this is gonna become the butt of many of my jokes...

a UN game.


"Patience, my good citizen, patience. It's bad enough to rob a man of his dream"
-Sydney Carton, Tale of Two Cities
Soterion Studios



Posts: 1828
From: Indiana
Registered: 10-11-2004
I like the idea of a community project based off of this. I really want to see Bible Dave get finished up, but after that, I think this one has some good potential.


Posts: 2220
From: New Albany, Indiana, U.S.
Registered: 10-08-2004
i would love to see this done... it has potential, it sounds fun... and i would get to help this time right? lol!!

In the stock market, you must buy high and sell low...Wait! That's not right!
Yes, I can be intelligent at times!!



Posts: 1685
Registered: 08-25-2004

this is just a theory, but I'd like to think that anybody will let you help them with anything: provided you bring something to the table that they don't have or you are better at something.


globalrant forums



Posts: 129
From: Amersfoort, the Netherlands
Registered: 12-23-2002
You could maybe even make it an online game. Each round lasts for example for a couple of weeks, in which you need to set up your aid organisation and try to cooperate in batteling hunger, sickness, darkness and disasters. At the end of a round some kind of grand total is generated in which you can see how well you worked together, how much aid was given, what the quality was of that aid, and how effective the effords where. To make it a real game, you could even pick out the organisation that helped the most.


Posts: 2220
From: New Albany, Indiana, U.S.
Registered: 10-08-2004
cool idea there vincent... lol yah crazy!! that makes sense... lol... it was kind of a rhetoric teasing question tho... as if to say that you guys didn't let me help with the last one, which you probably would have if I had been around when you started it lol... i'm helping with it some now tho...

In the stock market, you must buy high and sell low...Wait! That's not right!
Yes, I can be intelligent at times!!